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2019 Rules Version 1.0, Sept 17, 2019

Redlines indicate changes from 2017

Longform Version Includes:

 Recommended Procedures & Illustration Addendum


2019 规则 版本1.0 2019917发行





The Poker TDA is a voluntary poker industry association founded in 2001. The TDA mission is to increase global uniformity of poker tournament rules. TDA Rules supplement the conventional rules of this house. In case of conflict with a gaming agency, the agency rules apply.


General Concepts



1:  Floor Decisions 赛事现场以裁判判决为准

The best interest of the game and fairness are top priorities in decision-making. Unusual circumstances occasionally dictate that common-sense decisions in the interest of fairness take priority over technical rules. Floor decisions are final.



2:  Player Responsibilities运动员义务和责任

Players should verify registration data and seat assignments, protect their hands, make their intentions clear, follow the action, act in turn with proper terminology and gestures, defend their right to act, keep cards visible and chips correctly stacked, remain at the table with a live hand, table all cards properly when competing at showdown, speak up if they see a mistake, call for a clock when warranted, transfer tables promptly, follow one player to a hand, know and comply with the rules, practice proper etiquette, and generally contribute to an orderly event.



3:  Official Terminology and Gestures of Tournament Poker扑克赛事官方用语及手势

Official betting terms are simple, unmistakable, time-honored declarations like: bet, raise, call, fold, check, all-in, complete, and pot (pot-limit only). Regional terms may also meet this test. Also, players must use gestures with caution when facing action; tapping the table is a check. It is the responsibility of players to make their intentions clear: using non-standard terms or gestures is at player’s risk and may result in a ruling other than what the player intended. See also Rules 2 & 45.




4: Player Identity运动员着装要求

Clothing or other accoutrements must not continuously obscure player identity or become a distraction to the game. House standards will apply in the sole judgment of the TD.



5: Electronic Devices and Communication电子设备和信息交流

Players may not talk on a phone at the table. Ring tones, music, images, video etc. should be inaudible

and non-disturbing to others. Betting apps and charts may not be used by players with live hands. Other devices, tools, photography, videography, and communication must not create a nuisance, delay the game or create competitive advantage and are subject to house and gaming regulations.




6:  Official Language官方指定用语  

The house will clearly post and announce acceptable language(s) at the table.



Seating, Breaking & Balancing Tables



7:  Random Correct Seating座位分配原则 

Tournament and satellite seats will be randomly assigned. A player starting in a wrong seat with a correct chip stack will move to the correct seat and take his current total chip stack with him.所有赛事运动员座位随机分配。一位运动员如果开赛坐在错误的座位但是手持正确的记分牌,他将携带所有属于他的记分牌转移到正确座位上。


8:  Alternates, Late Registration, & Re-Entries等位、延迟注册和重进

A: Alternates, players registering late, and re-entries will be sold full stacks. They will randomly draw a seat and table by the same process and from the same seat pool then in place for new players and are dealt in except between small blind and button. 

B: In re-entry events, if a player is permitted to forfeit chips and buy a new stack, the forfeited chips will be removed from play.




9:  Special Needs特殊需求

Accommodations for players with special needs will be made when possible.



10:  Breaking Tables拆桌 

Players from a broken table will be assigned new tables and seats by a 2-step random process. They can get any seat including small or big blind or the button and be dealt in except between the small blind and button. See Illustration Addendum.




11:  Balancing Tables and Halting Play平衡牌桌和暂停比赛 

A: To balance in flop & mixed-games, the player who will be big blind next is moved to the worst position, including taking a single big blind when available, even if that means the seat has the big blind twice. Worst position is never the small blind. In stud-only, players move by position (last seat to open at the short table is the seat filled).


B: In mixed games (ex: HORSE), when the game shifts from hold’em to stud, after the last hold’em hand the button moves to the position it would be if the next hand was hold’em and is frozen there during stud. The player moved in stud is the player who would be big blind if the game were hold’em for that hand. Shifting to hold'em the button starts where it was frozen.


C: The table from which a player is moved will be specified by a predetermined procedure.


D: Full-table play will halt on tables 3 or more players short of the table with the most players. Play halts on other formats (ex: 6-hand and turbos) at TDs discretion. TDs may waive halting play and waiver is not a misdeal. As the event progresses, at TD’s discretion tables may be more tightly balanced.

[Rule regarding Number of Players at Final Table is moved to Recommended Procedure RP-9]



B: 混合赛事中(例如:Horse 赛事,当比赛从竞技扑克转换为Stud,结束最后一手竞技扑克手牌后按钮移动规则如下:按钮将被移动到假设下一手还是竞技扑克按钮位应该被移动的位置,并在Stud比赛中不再移动。在进行Study比赛过程中被平衡过来的运动员入座规则如下:他将被分配在假设目前比赛为竞技扑克时最差的位置。比赛转换为竞技扑克时按钮将从其之前摆放的位置开始移动







Pots / Showdown底池/摊牌


12:  Declarations. Cards Speak at Showdown摊牌时以牌力为准

Cards speak to determine the winner. Verbal declarations of hand value are not binding at showdown but deliberately miscalling a hand may be penalized. Any player in the hand or not, should speak up if he or she thinks a mistake is being made in reading hands or awarding the pot.




13:  Tabling Cards & Killing Winning Hand摊开底牌的方式和杀死获胜手牌  

A: Proper tabling is both 1) turning all cards face up on the table and 2) allowing the dealer and players to read the hand clearly. “All cards” means both hole cards in hold’em, all 4 hole cards in Omaha, all 7 cards in 7-stud, etc. Dealers should read and announce hand values at showdown.


B: At showdown a player must protect his hand while waiting for it to be read (See also Rule 66). If a player does not fully table his cards, then mucks thinking he has won, he does so at his risk. If the cards are not 100% retrievable and identifiable and the TD rules the hand was not clearly read, the player has no claim to the pot. The TDs decision on whether a hand was sufficiently tabled is final.


C: Dealers cannot kill a properly tabled hand that was obviously the winner.


A:正确的摊开底牌方式:1、将所有底牌面朝上放置在桌上 ;2、让发牌员和其他运动员能够清晰的看到底牌。“所有底牌”是指竞技扑克中的2张底牌、奥马哈的4张底牌、7张牌Stud中的7张手牌等。发牌员必须在摊牌时判断输赢并宣布牌力。


B: 在摊牌比牌时运动员应当保护好自己的底牌等待发牌员判断输赢(参考规则66)。如果一位运动员认为自己获胜时,没有完全摊开底牌并将底牌扔进弃牌堆,后果自负。如果底牌不能够被完全识别并找回,该运动员无法赢得底池获得任何补偿。底牌是否被完全摊开赛事总监有最终解释权。


C: 发牌员不能杀死一手正确摊开并且明显获胜的底牌。


14:  Live Cards at Showdown摊牌时活牌的判断标准 

Discarding non-tabled cards face down does not automatically kill them; a player may change her mind and table her cards if they remain 100% identifiable and retrievable. Cards are killed by the dealer when pushed into the muck or otherwise rendered irretrievable and unidentifiable.




15: Showdown and Discarding Irregularities不规范的摊牌和弃牌

A: If a player tables one card that would make a winning hand, the dealer should advise the player to table all cards. If he refuses, the floor should be called.


B: If a player bets then discards thinking she has won (forgetting that another player is still in the hand), the dealer should hold the cards and call the floor. If the cards are mucked and not retrievable and identifiable to 100% certainty, the player has no redress and is not entitled to a refund of called bets. If the player initiated a bet or raise and hasn’t been called, the uncalled amount will be returned to her.






16:  Face Up for All-Ins全下时所有底牌需摊开

All hands will be tabled without delay once a player is all-in and all betting action by all other players in the hand is complete. No player who is either all-in or has called all betting action may muck his or her hand without tabling. All hands in both the main and side pot(s) must be tabled and are live. See Illustration Addendum.



17:  Non All-In Showdowns & Showdown Order全下时摊牌和摊牌规则 

A: In a non all-in showdown, if cards are not spontaneously tabled or discarded, the TD may enforce an order of show. The last aggressive player on the final betting round (final street) must table first. If there was no final round bet, the player who would act first in a final betting round must table first (i.e. first seat left of the button in flop games, high hand showing in stud, low hand in razz, etc.).


B: A non all-in showdown is uncontested if all but one player mucks face down without tabling. The last player with live cards wins and he is not required to show his cards.



B: 在非全下摊牌时,如果除了一位运动员以外其他运动员都没有亮牌而埋牌,则最后持有底牌的运动员无可争议的获胜并其没有义务摊开底牌。


18:  Asking to See a Hand要求查看对方底牌

A: Players not still in possession of cards at showdown, or who have mucked their cards face down without tabling, lose any rights or privileges to ask to see any hand.


B: If there was a river bet, any caller has an inalienable right to have the last aggressor’s hand tabled on request (“the hand they paid to see”) provided the caller tabled or retains his or her cards. TDs discretion governs all other requests such as to see the hand of another caller, or if there was no river bet. See Illustration Addendum [adopted 2013].


A: 如果摊牌时运动员手里没有底牌,或者摊牌时未亮开底牌而埋牌,则他失去要求查看任何对手底牌的权利 


B: 如果河牌有运动员下注,任何跟注的运动员只要持有底牌或已经摊牌都不可剥夺的权利要求河牌轮最后做出进攻动作的运动员将底牌亮开(付钱看牌)。赛事总监有权利裁决其他情况下查看底牌的要求,例如要求查看另外一位跟注运动员的底牌或者河牌无人下注的情况要求查看他人底牌。参考附加案例



19:  Playing the Board at Showdown公共牌最大时的摊牌要求

To play the board, a player must table all hole cards to get part of the pot (See Rule 13-A).

当公共牌最大时,运动员必须完全摊开底牌才能分得底池 (参考规则13-A



20:  Awarding Odd Chips平分底池时如何分配多出的1记分牌

First, odd chips will be broken into the smallest denomination in play. A) Board games with 2 or more high or low hands: the odd chip goes to the first seat left of the button. B) Stud, razz, and if 2 or more high or low hands in stud/8: the odd chip goes to the high card by suit in the player’s 5-card winning hand. C) H/L split: the odd chip in the total pot goes to the high side. D) If identical hands win both high and low (ex: 2 Omaha/8 wheels) the pot is split as evenly as possible. See Illustration Addendum.


A) 公共牌赛事中,当有两个或者更多运动员赢得高牌或底牌底池时:多出的单一记分牌将会发给按钮位左手边第一个运动员。





21:  Side Pots边池

Each side pot will be split separately.



22:  Disputed Hands and Pots有争议的手牌底池

The reading of a tabled hand may be disputed until the next hand begins (see Rule 23). Accounting errors on awarding of the pot may be disputed until substantial action occurs on the next hand. If a hand finishes during a break, the right to any dispute ends 1 minute after the pot is awarded.



