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General Procedures整体操作流程


23:  New Hand & New Limits新的一手牌和新的盲注级别的开始

A new level starts on announcement after the clock reaches zero. The new level applies to the next hand. Hands begin on the first riffle, push of the shuffler button, or on the dealer push. If a hand starts at the prior level by mistake, the hand will continue at the prior level after SA occurs (Rule 36).



24:  Chip Race, Scheduled Color Ups移除低面额记分牌

A: At scheduled color-ups, chips will be raced off starting in seat 1, with a maximum of one chip awarded to a player. Players can’t be raced out of play: a player losing her last chip(s) in a race will get 1 chip of the lowest denomination still in play.


B: Players must have their chips fully visible and are encouraged to witness the chip race.


C: If after the race, a player still has chips of a removed denomination, they will be exchanged for current denominations only at equal value. Chips of removed denominations that do not fully total at least the smallest denomination still in play will be removed without compensation.


A: 随着盲注不断的提高,低面额记分牌将会被移除,持有零散低面额记分牌运动员将会进行抢筹。抢筹将会从1号位运动员开始,每位运动员最多能在此过程中得到一枚高一级面额记分牌。运动员不能因为抢筹失利而被淘汰:如果一位运动员仅剩下一枚最小面额记分牌且在抢筹过程中失利,他将会得到一枚目前比赛中最低面额记分牌继续比赛。






25:  Cards & Chips Kept Visible, Countable, & Manageable. Discretionary Color-Ups


A: Players, dealers, and the floor are entitled to a reasonable estimation of chip counts; thus, chips should be kept in countable stacks. The TDA recommends clean vertical stacks of 20 same denomination chips each as a standard. Higher denomination chips must be visible and identifiable at all times. If a floorperson cannot look at a chipstack and quickly estimate its value, players likely can’t either.


B: TDs control the number and denominations of chips in play and may color up one or more players at their discretion at any time. Discretionary color ups are to be announced.


C: Players must keep live hands in plain view at all times.




B: 赛事总监决定赛事过程中使用的记分牌的数量和面值,并有权随时移除兑换一位或多位运动员某一面额的记分牌,这一过程将会被宣布。


C: 运动员不能遮挡底牌


26:  Deck Changes更换比赛用牌

Deck changes will be on the dealer push or level changes or as prescribed by the house. Players may not ask for deck changes.




27:  Re-buys重新参赛

Players may not miss a hand. If a player declares intent to rebuy before a hand, she is playing chips behind and must make the re-buy.



28:  Rabbit Hunting猎兔

Rabbit hunting (revealing cards that would have come if the hand had not ended) is not allowed.



29:  Calling for a Clock要求倒计时

Players should act in a timely manner to maintain a reasonable pace of the game. If in TD’s judgement reasonable time has passed, he or she may call the clock or approve a clock request by any player in the event. Players must be at their seats to call for a clock (Rule 30). A player on the clock has up to 25 seconds plus a 5 second countdown to act. If the player faces a bet and time expires, the hand is dead; if not facing a bet, the hand is checked. A tie goes to the player. TDs may adjust the time allowed and take other steps to fit the game and stop persistent delays. See also Rules 2 and 70.




Player Present / Eligible for Hand运动员就座及合理动作


30:  At Your Seat and Live Hands在座位上和活牌标准 

To have a live hand, a player must be at his seat when the last card is dealt to all players on the initial deal. A player not then at his seat may not look at his cards, and the hand is immediately killed. His blinds and antes are posted and if dealt the stud bring-in card he posts the bring-in. A player must be at his seat to call for a clock (Rule 29). “At your seat” means in reach of your chair. This rule is not intended to encourage players to be out of their seats while in a hand.



31:  At the Table with Action Pending等待其他运动员行动时需在座 

Players with live hands (including players all-in or otherwise finished betting) must remain at the table for all betting rounds and showdown. Leaving the table is incompatible with protecting your hand and following the action, and is subject to penalty.




Button / Blinds按钮/盲注



32:  Dead Button空按钮位

Tournament play will use a dead button.



33:  Dodging Blinds逃避盲注

Players who intentionally dodge any blind [eliminated: when moving from a broken table] will incur a penalty. 



34:  Button in Heads-up两人单挑时的按钮位放置

When heads-up, the small blind has the button, is dealt the last card, and acts first pre-flop and last on all other streets. When starting heads-up play, the button may need to be adjusted to ensure no player has the BB twice in a row.




Dealing Rules发牌规则



35: Misdeals and Fouled Decks错发错误的比赛用牌

A: Misdeals include but are not necessarily limited to: 1) 2 or more boxed cards on the initial deal; 2) first card dealt to the wrong seat; 3) cards dealt to a seat not entitled to a hand; 4) a seat entitled to a hand is dealt out; [eliminated: 5) In stud, if any player’s first 2 downcards are exposed by dealer error]; 5) In flop games, if 1 of the first 2 cards dealt off the deck or any other 2 downcards are exposed by dealer error. House standards apply for draw games (ex: lowball).


B: Players may be dealt 2 consecutive cards on the button.(see also Rule 37).  


C: In a misdeal, the re-deal is an exact re-play: the button does not move, no new players are seated, and limits stay the same. Cards are dealt to players on penalty or not at their seats for the original deal (see Rule 30), then their hands are killed. The original deal and re-deal count as one hand for a player on penalty, not two.


D: Once substantial action occurs a misdeal cannot be declared; the hand must proceed (See Rule 36).


E: Fouled decks will be as defined by local gaming regulations and house policy. If a fouled deck is discovered, regardless of SA, play will stop and all bets will be returned. Once a hand concludes, the right to dispute based on a fouled deck ends according to Rule 22.


A:错发包括但不限于:1)发牌时发现两张或两张以上面朝上的底牌(boxed cards);2)第一张牌发给了错误的位置;3)牌发给了无权获得底牌的位置;4)有权获得底牌的位置没有被发到牌;5)在翻牌比赛中,最初的两张牌有任意一张意外曝光或有两张暗牌因发牌员失误曝光。Draw比赛中将由赛事举办方确认相应发牌标准。




C: 当发生错发时,重发需要准确的重复上一手牌:按钮位不能移动,不能有新运动员入席,盲注不变。正在接受停牌的运动员和之前发牌时不在座位的运动员手牌将被杀死。(注释:例:错发时A运动员不在位置上手牌被杀死,重发时,虽然他坐下来了将会被发牌但是手牌依旧无效见规则30)对于被停牌的运动员来说重发只能算一手牌而不是两手牌。


D: 一旦有效动作发生时,错发将不会被追究,牌局必须继续进行。(参考规则36




36:  Substantial ActionSA有效动作 (或称为实质性动作)

Substantial Action is either A) any 2 actions in turn, at least one of which puts chips in the pot (i.e. any 2 actions except 2 checks or 2 folds) or B) any combination of 3 actions in turn (check, bet, raise, call, fold). See Rules 35-D & 43-B.

以下两种情况发生时,我们称之为有效动作发生:A)当前牌局发生任何两个按次序的行动,其中至少有一个动作有下记分牌至底池(即:不包含两个过牌或两个弃牌动作)B)发生任何三个按次序的行动(过牌、下注、加注、跟注、弃牌)。参考规则 35-D 44-B


Rule 37: Button with Too Few Cards按钮位被少发牌

A player on the button dealt too few cards should announce it immediately. Missing button cards may be replaced even after substantial action if permitted for the game type. However, if the button acts on a hand with too few cards (by check or bet), the button’s hand is dead.



Rule 38:  Burns After Substantial Action有效动作发生之后的烧牌

The burn card is to protect the stub, not “preserve card order”. If SA occurs and a hand is killed due to the wrong number of cards, all cards of the killed hand are mucked and randomness applies to further dealing (See also RP-14 Randomness). The stub is treated as a normal stub and one and only one card is burned off the stub for each subsequent street. See Illustration Addendum.



39:  Four-Card Flops and Premature Cards发出了4张翻牌和提前发出公共牌

If the flop has 4 rather than 3 cards, exposed or not, the floor will be called. The dealer then scrambles the 4 cards face down, the floor randomly selects one as the next burn card and the other 3 are the flop (See also RP-14 Randomness). For prematurely dealt cards, see Recommended Procedure 5.



